Dames have their butlers…
Dommes have their butt-lers.
Kings have their kingdom…
Queens have their Queendom.
An artistic journey
Inanna Justice & Madame Lule
from Anglo-Norman buteler.
The bottle bearer.
from English.
The butt of the joke.
Once upon a time…
… there was a Queendom where two friends, Madame Lule and Inanna Justice, reigned as Mistresses. Under their orders and at their feet, their little impersonals, their butt-lers, at once servants, footmen, doormats, and sufferers. In short, objects for the sole pleasure of these Ladies.
Care to come along for the ride?
Once upon a time, back to the origins…
A journey of a thousand leagues always begins with a first step, so they say. This first step in Minordomie, aka Butt-lers, started with a joke: what if, to break the classic codes of BDSM, the Dommes donned a ball gown and the submissives a bow tie and suit?
The result: scenes combining fantasy, charm, sensuality, humor, and elegance. The concept of Butt-lers was born. There was no question of stopping there! Step by step, what started as a day trip became a demanding journey spread over several years.
The ideal destination? An art gallery, except that cumbersome organization discouraged us. We were also worried about reaching a limited audience, as it was essentially a Parisian one that could access a physical gallery. So we came up with the idea of a virtual exhibition, in two languages, on a site built brick by brick.
If you would like to host a Butt-ler exhibition (gallery, association, etc.), contact us.
Want to be part of the journey?
Butt-lers in figures
1 webdesigner, flonflons.
2 Ladies, 2 languages: French, Madame Lule‘s langue natale and English, Inanna Justice’s mother tongue.
3 talented photographers, ArthK, Jinklab and Bergamote.
4 photo galleries to uncover, and as a bonus, the backstage of the project.
6 consenting butt-lers.
8 photo shoots spread over several days and weekends…
At least 500 photos were shot and sorted, and more than 100 were kept and presented on this website.
Nearly 1000 hours of work, as many laughs and headaches, to 3, 2, 1, 0,
… welcome to our Queendom!
Photo credits: banner: ArthK