The photographers
If you would like to purchase a print of a photograph, please contact the photographer directly. Provide the name of the photo you are interested in, and the gallery in which it is presented.

Jérémy made a quick passage through a school for the cinema. He became a jack of all trades and above all a director (official selection at the Porn Film Festival Berlin 2022) and photographer specialising in the kinky world. Founder of the Kinky Saloon, eternal sexplorer and role-playing adventurer, he prefers to master games rather than people.
His professional website: JinkLab

The body, in the softness of matching skins, to the most extreme extremes, where flesh is bitten, whipped, triturated, caressed, welcomed, the body and its work, the body sometimes submissive, the body subduing, the body in all its facets: this is what attracts the eye of ArthK, a Parisian photographer.